Image Compression Made Easy: 11 Simple Tips for fast Website

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Written By shubhradeveloper

Having fun in the world of Web Development.

Image Compression enhances website speed.

So you want your website to be fast. That’s understandable. For a pleasant user experience and increased search engine optimisation (SEO), pages must load quickly. one of the principal causes of slow page loads?  Uncompressed image files.

But hey, no need to panic. You can make your website fly by compressing your images correctly. This article will guide you how to compress images like a pro so you can get the most out of them and give your page  the speed it needs.

I’m here to give 10 simple tips for compressing images quickly and easily, regardless of the sort of website you have or the platform it runs on.  Read on for the best methods when it comes to image compression!

1. Make the Correct File Format Selection for Your Images

When you’re optimizing your images for the web, file format is key. Different types of images can achieve different levels of quality and compression with various file types. JPEGs are usually best for photographs and complex images, while PNGs and GIFs are ideal for simpler graphics like logos. Remember that different browsers and devices may support certain file formats better than others, so it’s always a good idea to research which format is best for your site before you dive in.

Ideally, you want a balance between image quality and size so that the page loads quickly but the image looks professional. Save the image in its original file format if feasible, and then use an image editor like Photoshop to crop it or adjust it without losing quality.

When it comes to saving your compressed files, choose progressive over baseline if available—this will make sure that your images load quickly even on slow connections.  Fiddling around with the settings can give you the ideal balance of size and quality for the images you are using.

2. Optimize Your Images Before Uploading

Optimizing your images before you upload them is key to having a fast website. This can include reducing the size, file type and resolution of an image so it takes up less space on the server. Smaller images are much quicker to load, which is especially important on mobile views. Here are some simple tips to help you get started with image compression:

  • Research the optimal file formats for different images – JPEGs are best for photographs, PNGs for graphics and logos, etc.
  • Crop or resize images where necessary to reduce large file sizes.
  • Reduce the resolution of your images to 72 PPI or lower (this will depend on where your image will be used).
  • Enable progressive image loading whenever possible – this allows the image to load gradually instead of all at once which makes it appear faster.
  • Use a lossless compression tool such as TinyPNG or ImageOptim for maximum efficiency without sacrificing quality.
  • If possible, use Responsive Images to serve different-sized versions of your images based on device size and screen resolution.

For a fast-loading website that doesn’t skimp on quality or consume too much bandwidth, try these helpful tips.

3. Resize Images to Match Your Page Layout

When people talk about resizing images, they typically mean editing width and height, making long images narrower and tall images shorter. This is a terrific technique to guarantee that your image sizes are appropriate for the design of your page.

But there are a few other ways you can resize images without editing their dimensions. The many methods for resizing are as follows:

  • Cropping: Cropping eliminates unnecessary elements from an image, such as irrelevant background, to produce an image that precisely fits the exact dimension of your design.
  • Doubling/Halving Down: Doubling or halving down the size of an image is often referred to as “scaling”. It essentially stretches or compresses an image by a certain factor—e.g., double its width and height, or half its width and height—so it fits into the design perfectly.
  • Compression: All digital files have data in them which if compressed can be decreased in size – this will help the pages load more quickly when they are used.

For website optimization and page speed, it’s important to keep images small when possible; use common sense and adjust the image size accordingly so that it looks great while being web-friendly at the same time!

4. Compress Images to Reduce File Size

A fast website is essential for a successful business. To help with that, make sure you compress the images on your site. Image compression is the way to get your website functioning optimally. But how do you compress images without losing out on quality?

Set Maximum File Size

A simple and effective way to compress images is by setting a maximum file size. This helps eliminate unnecessary data and large file sizes while keeping the quality of the image intact. Remember, you don’t want to give up too much quality when trying to be faster – your website visitors should still have a great experience.

Use a Compression Tool

You can also use a tool like TinyPNG or Kraken to compress images quickly and easily—simply upload your image or drag and drop it into the tool, then hit “Compress” to see an instant reduction in file size. With TinyPNG, you can even customize how much compression you want before downloading the compressed image.

Optimize Resolutions & Quality Settings

Another tip is to optimize the resolutions and quality settings of your images before uploading them, as these two factors have an impact on loading speed. If your image resolution exceeds screen resolution, you can resize it in your editing software before uploading it onto your website. Similarly, if your image’s quality settings are too high for web display, you can generally adjust them down without losing too much quality — just remember that higher resolution/quality means slower loading time!

5. Enable Lazy Loading for Images

Enabled lazy loading is another great way to optimize your website’s images. With lazy loading, images are only loaded when they come into the user’s view—this means faster page loading times and less download data, since users don’t have to wait for every image to load when they can’t even see them yet.

Plus, it’s not just a benefit to your customers – Google also looks favorably on sites that take advantage of lazy loading, and it could help you boost your SEO ranking.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3

Here’s how you can enable lazy loading:

  • Add the loading = “lazy” attribute in the <img> tags for each image on a web page.
  • For any videos, add the <iframe> tag with loading = “lazy” attribute instead of the default <video> tag.
  • Add a JavaScript library like Lazysizes so that it automatically detects any images and videos that need to be lazy loaded when a customer visits your site.

Add a JavaScript library like Lazysizes so that it automatically detects any images and videos that need to be lazy loaded when a customer visits your site.

No worries if you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself! It’s always best practice to use a professional (such as your web developer) to ensure that everything is done right without any unexpected problems down the road.

6. Consider Embedding Images for Faster Page Load

Make your page faster by embedding your images. This process serves two main purposes. First, it links the image directly to the code. Instead of making an HTTP request, which can take more time, it links the image directly so that it loads faster. Second, when you embed an image you can make it whatever size you prefer. Just write “width” and “height” in HTML or CSS to set the size.

Doing this not only reduces page load time because of the direct linking benefit but also makes pages look properly designed since images can now appear in their correct dimensions right away. You can save time and energy if you have WordPress – you can find plugins to do the job automatically.

7. Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Have you heard of CDNs (Content Delivery Networks)? These are the networks that contain multiple servers which are situated in many parts of the world. They can be used to make it quicker to get images and data from your website.

How CDNs work

When you use a CDN, it stores various versions of your images across the network instead of having them all on one server or domain. Then, when users request an image, they’re sent to the closest place that has it saved. They won’t have to download it from the original server this way. That significantly reduces latency and decreases load time.

Why Use a CDN?

A CDN can help websites in lots of good ways!

  • Enhanced user experience: It makes pages load quicker, so people have a better time when they look at the website.
  • Improved SEO: Optimizing website speed is essential for SEO success and using a CDN can do exactly that.
  • Improved security: A CDN acts as an extra layer of security in case of server failure or attack, and can help mitigate as much damage done as possible.

8. Use a Caching Plugin

Another tip to get your website loading speedy-quick is to use a caching plugin. Caching plugins are great for WordPress websites, as they create timing caches that store users’ requests for pages. This speeds up operations because browsers won’t have to completely reload the same page each time a user accesses it.

Before you dive into WordPress caching plugins, though, make sure you optimize your images first. Once you have done that, the following are some of the main advantages of employing a caching plugin:

  • Faster loading speeds – Caching plugins allow for sites to be stored in memory and accessed quickly, so pages load faster and more efficiently for visitors.
  • Reduction in server load – By reducing the number of requests the server has to handle and storing user data, caching plugins can help reduce server loads and improve page speed performance even further.
  • Daily or hourly stats – Most caching plugins will give you daily or hourly stats so you can track how quickly the site is loading throughout the day or week.

Consider getting a caching plugin for your WordPress site right now. Caching is one of the greatest ways to guarantee that your website operates effectively and without any performance slowdowns.

9. Remove Image Metadata

Removing image metadata might sound like a mouthful but it’s actually quite simple. Image metadata can occupy additional space in your image file and includes details like the camera kind, lens type, and even the location where the photo was taken.

Before uploading images to your website, use a tool that can strip away all superfluous data from the file to get rid of this extra weight. This process is super easy!

Not only will reducing image metadata save you some time, it could also help shorten your page loading time by up to 20%. That’s because sites with lighter page weights often perform better and load faster than their heavier counterparts. Just remember, smaller files mean faster pages!

10. Optimize Your Website’s Design

A good design is vital for a fast website, and here are some of the ways to optimize your website’s design:

Use fewer images

Every image you put to your website adds weight to the page and slows it down.  As such, try to use only the necessary images. Skip it if it’s not absolutely essential.

Trim down each image size

Compressing your images can reduce its file size without sacrificing the image quality. Resizing it smaller also helps in reducing loading times.

Optimize file types

For optimum performance, choose web-friendly file types like JPEG, GIF, or PNG.

Choose the right design

Websites with animation and other features tend to slow down your page loading times significantly. Stick to a straightforward design if you want fast loading speeds.

You may ensure that your website’s design is quick and easy to use by using these suggestions, and giving visitors a better browsing experience!

11. Limit the Number of Images

The last tip for optimizing images for website speed is to limit the number of images you use. This may seem counter-intuitive, since visuals are so important for creating an appealing website. But having too many images will undoubtedly slow down the page speed and negatively impact user experience.

So how can you limit the number of images while still maintaining an esthetically pleasing website? Simple—you can get creative with how you incorporate visuals. Here are some ideas:

  • Consider using vector graphics instead of bitmap images – vector graphics are more lightweight, meaning they won’t slow your page down.
  • Break up an image into several smaller ones – doing this makes it easier to compress multiple parts of a single image.
  • Use fewer stock photos and more illustrations or icons – this will help create a unique experience on your site!
  • Figure out if you can completely do away with some pictures – if it’s not essential, don’t include it!

Less is definitely more when it comes to images; limiting the total number of images on your website will help it load pages more quickly.


Ultimately, for a quick and effective website, image compression and optimization are crucial. The above tips have shown that it doesn’t have to be a lengthy, complicated process. Every website owner can start implementing simple image compression techniques with little time or effort and see a huge improvement in loading times and user experience. A positive experience is the best way to ensure repeat business and make sure they have a great time. So, don’t be intimidated, try out the above tips and optimize your website today!


Q1. Will compressing my images affect their quality?

A1. Compressing your images can reduce their file size without affecting their quality. But don’t compress them too much or you’ll lose quality. It’s critical to strike a balance between file size and image quality.

Q2. Can I use any file format for my images?

A2. Although you can use any file format for your images, choosing the proper one is crucial for web image optimization. JPEG is best for photographs, PNG is best for graphics and images with transparency, and GIF is best for simple graphics and animations.

Q3. Can I use all 10 tips for image compression on my website?

A3. Yes, you can use all 10 tips for image compression on your website. But not every piece of advice may be appropriate for all kinds of images. It’s important to consider the type of image and the intended use before applying these tips.

Q4. How can lazy loading help improve my website’s loading speed?

A4. Lazy loading defers the loading of images until they are needed. This can drastically minimize the amount of data that needs to be downloaded initially, boosting the loading speed of your website.

Q5. Can using a CDN improve my website’s loading speed?

A5. Yes, using a CDN can help improve your website’s loading speed by delivering your images from a server that is closer to the user’s location.

Q6. Will removing image metadata affect my images?

A6. Removing image metadata can reduce the size of your images without affecting their quality. If you need to keep the metadata for a specific reason, like copyright information, think about the consequences before deleting it.

Q7. Why is it important to compress images on my website?

A7. Compressing images on your website is important because huge image file sizes can dramatically slow down your website’s loading time. This may result in a negative user experience and poorer search engine rankings.

Q8. How much should I compress my images?

A8. The amount you compress your images depends on the image and how good you want the quality to be. In general, strive to compress them as much as possible without compromising their appearance.

Q9. What file formats should I use for my images?

A9. JPEG is a good choice for photographs and other images with a lot of detail. It can compress these images without losing too much quality. For images with fewer colours or simple graphics, PNG or GIF formats may be more appropriate.

Q10. Can I compress images without losing quality?

A10. Yes, you can compress images without losing quality by using lossless compression techniques. These techniques compress the image file size without reducing the quality of the image.

Q11. What is lazy loading, and how does it help with website speed?

A11. Lazy loading is a way to make your website load faster by only loading images as they scroll into view. This can aid in reducing a web page’s initial load time and speeding up websites.

Q12. Do I need to compress images for mobile devices?

A12. Yes, it’s important to compress images for mobile devices since they typically have slower internet connections and smaller screens. Compressed images will load more quickly on mobile devices, improving the user experience.

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